The Union of The Wiblishauser National Socialist Republics
Sunday, January 29, 2012
So the Berlin wall came down in 1989, and today democracy and representative rule is the majority in Europe. But somehow, some tyranny and dictatorship still exists, not just in the Arab or African world, but right in the heart of our own premier breed club. This is the club which was founded in 1899 to give direction and leadership and proper organization for the breed. The primary function of this club was the protection, promotion and preservation of the Dobermann breed. This club is the Dobermann Verein Germany.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Happy 75th Birthday Mr. President!!!
Dearest President Hans Wiblishauser
A warm and Happy Birthday from all of us here at the Dobermann Insider, on this 75th year of your illustrious life.
We wish to thank you for being the inspiration of our blog
We also truly enjoyed watching all your moves like Jagger and wish you many more years ahead
We have you personally to thank, for this blog
Without you and your leadership, this wont have been possible
Thank you
Happy Birthday Mr President
Happy Birthday to You
We wish to thank you for being the inspiration of our blog
We also truly enjoyed watching all your moves like Jagger and wish you many more years ahead
We have you personally to thank, for this blog
Without you and your leadership, this wont have been possible
Thank you
Happy Birthday Mr President
Happy Birthday to You
P.S. Dear Readers.. feel free to send your own Birthday wishes here..
p.p.s. good work Mr Werner Kaltofen, im sure he deserved his own website...
p.p.s. good work Mr Werner Kaltofen, im sure he deserved his own website...
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Man Who Would Be King..
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were Dobermanns who jumped out of the sky... They were known as the Daring Dobes. They parachuted down to Earth, and on landing, would immobilise 'criminals' and thrill the crowds. One famous Dobermann who regularly demonstrated this was called Rocco, owned and trained by Mr D.A. Kloeck. Whenever Rocco was demonstrating his para skills, large crowds were gathered, and he always loved going back up the plane!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Und Der Zuchtobmann ist?
Let us look at an important office of the IDC and even DV - the role of the
BREED WARDEN [ Hauptzuchtwart or Zuchtobmann ]
What is this position actually? Why is there no written description of this for the Dobermann? How come there is nothing on their website or on any literature on the roles and functions of this office... held by Mr Norbert Daube?
For all readers, since IDC does not share anything, as usual, we give give a simple description and explanation...
Let us look at an important office of the IDC and even DV - the role of the
BREED WARDEN [ Hauptzuchtwart or Zuchtobmann ]
What is this position actually? Why is there no written description of this for the Dobermann? How come there is nothing on their website or on any literature on the roles and functions of this office... held by Mr Norbert Daube?
no.. not this kind of warden... |
For all readers, since IDC does not share anything, as usual, we give give a simple description and explanation...
Monday, January 16, 2012
Alles über DNA : Die Natürlich Arglist

Quote: "I would also give here the communication about the fact that the leaders of DV and IDC will take seriously the complaints and notices that will be made about this argument, we will do researches in this direction and we will move as is right to protect the correctness, the seriousness and the sportive honor."
Sunday, January 15, 2012
So it seems not only our friends in Europe have to suffer from DV domination, but at least one other club in USA too.. What has happended in South Africa and elsewhere, was copied to America thanks to DV servant and copycat, Mr Roberto Zorzi.
Let us inform you a little about this man, who comes to IDC Congress every year to proclaim himself as representative of the US Dobermann family.
This is a man who is just like his idol, Redtenbacher. Has problems with other Dobermann clubs, so goes to form one himself, mostly with members who bought his breeding. And suddenly we have the American Dobermann Association.. with him as President for life [hey, just like Boss Wibli!] Then he has good old Wibli to make him delegate and official member of IDC. Funny how so many clubs which are not official, or self made, become IDC members. Isnt that nice? Be good friends with Wibli, copy his style and make your own club.
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Mask of Zor...zi |
Let us inform you a little about this man, who comes to IDC Congress every year to proclaim himself as representative of the US Dobermann family.
This is a man who is just like his idol, Redtenbacher. Has problems with other Dobermann clubs, so goes to form one himself, mostly with members who bought his breeding. And suddenly we have the American Dobermann Association.. with him as President for life [hey, just like Boss Wibli!] Then he has good old Wibli to make him delegate and official member of IDC. Funny how so many clubs which are not official, or self made, become IDC members. Isnt that nice? Be good friends with Wibli, copy his style and make your own club.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
D ont C ondemm M e
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looks familiar? |
Lately there has been much talk and spreading of rumors of many dogs who die of DCM or related cardio illness. If the dog had an actual autopsy, and the owner has made public the result - then that is good and respectable.
What is not respectable and dishonorable is to spread rumors and make assumption that any dog which died without autopsy is because of DCM. According to internet chatter...It seems like almost 90% of any Dobermann who dies is result of DCM? Is this possible? Think carefully before making a rumor or listening to them.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
SLAVEnia no more?
This is a highly regarded breed club boasting among its members many top level breeders and exhibitors of the Dobermann world. Indeed, some of the more influential dogs have been from Slovenia. They are well known around the world, and Slovenia has excellent specimens of the Dobermann breed, and higher quality than even its native Germany.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Oh ZTP... Where art thou?
What was the initial goal of the ZTP?
The reason and purpose of the ZTP is to determine, in accordance with the Breed aims, the suitable Dobermann for breeding, and to exclude the unsuitable dog from breeding.
Do you remember Herr Ottmar Vogel? How much he contributed to our breed, by defining and expanding on the various means of improving the breed's character and working abilities. Even in its conformation aspects, Herr Vogel was ahead of his time and truly helped advance the progress of the breed.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Frau Inge-nious [and other minions]
We'll begin this post with a Facebook status by one Roman Ing Rauner (we can only assume that Ing leads to his lady-boss)
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Click on image above for larger text |
How they did it: After the very first voting, Frau Inge-nious asked for the assistance of an Austrian court claiming that traffic jam obstructed the voting, so the census was not reached, she said...and indeed there was a "traffic jam"...
The court has given an order for another voting which was again obstructed by a traffic jam, but this time induced by Frau Inge-nious and her spouse personally!!! Amazing fact - they are able to create traffic jams, such magicians. Next maybe she will perform in Las Vegas soon..and here are additional images, courtesy of someone who was there to witness this rather outrageous action...delegates carrying 230 votes from all over Austria were NOT allowed to enter the club nor to attend the Assembly!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Thank you for the comments on him. We are now making this post to gather together information and questions asked on this fellow. His actions are making our breed an embarrassment...
"This time next year, we'll be millionaires!"
These are the words of our own readers...
we have done some small editing and our comments also...
We thank our contributors here for giving us some information on this person, which we have also long suspected, and we also got inside information from various sources. Indeed we had planned a post on this for the future, but since the comments are posted here, we shall now include them into this posting for all our readers to know, and expose and shame this unworthy judge and official of our breed.
JUDGES Dr Pezzano
By Dr Peter Gino Pezzano [The DON]
I would like to express agreement with this letter of the IDC's president Hans Wiblishauser that was published in the Dobermann Verein magazine, and to announce the endorsement of the principles contained
in it and the measures called for by all the governing bodies of AIAD and the Italian Dobermann breeding.
Monday, January 2, 2012
by Hans Wiblihauser
with our comments in ....
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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