What kind of International Club organizes it premier show each year, with just about the SAME judges every year? Especially for the males, always the same old man...who needs help to remember..
What of club does wishes to keep secret which judges will judge which classes at their premier show?
What kind of club violates every known FCI Judge rules and standards at their premier show?
What kind of club ignores the real purpose of its premier show [ Breeding Selection ] each year?
What kind of club openly violates the authority of national clubs and kennel associations, at their premier show?
What kind of club uses a judges panel for the finals, yet some of those judges are not licenced to judge in the main rings?
What kind of club has already decided on their winners and selections, months before the event, of their premier show?
What kind of club holds a congress, made up by most of the judges, just a day before their premier show? And would any delegate dare say anything, if his country has breeders showing....
What kind of club receives many entry fees for their premier shows, and yet no accounts are revealed?
What kind of club has total disregard for the welfare of its exhibitors, but treat them like simple accessories, at their premier show?
What kind of club regularly has judges looking at catalogs, and now pedigrees in the ring, at their premier show?
What kind of club has judges saying out loud racist comments and slogans, at their premier show?
What kind of club simply ignores any calls for changes or improvements or progress for the breed?
What kind of club will use the logos of the FCI, yet..IS NOT SANCTIONED BY THEM?
What kind of club will use the logos of the FCI, yet..IS NOT SANCTIONED BY THEM?
We are not against having the IDC Show. Its was always a beautiful event which brings together peoples from all the world, and where new friendships are made and old ones affirmed. It is also the venue for people to see the best Dobermanns in the flesh [ without 'photoshop' ] and to appreciate the trends and changes coming from some good breeders. It also a chance to appreciate the venue country's culture and hospitality and friendships.
What we are against is how these 'judges' have brought down the quality and promise of this show. They use the same judges each year and then they do not even want to inform which classes they judge. This is not acceptable. We all clearly know which judges now like what type or what they prefer [ politically or personally ] so if they can inform who judges what, we can decide ourselves if we wish to travel far and with much costs. Is that not basic and fair? But think about this.. maybe this is why they do it, to ensure everyone keep coming, because if they reveal the judging classes, they will get less numbers.
If you knew Becht or Redtenbacher is judging your class - will you really bother to pay and enter with your dog? But lets say.... there are better judges... wont you feel perhaps to take a chance they might judge your class, and then you make the journey and pay all the costs? Because, you enjoy to show under a good judge, and maybe you get a chance...
By the way, please go to the website of the VDH for information on Dobermann Specialist judges:
Now look at the information for Daube, Becht and - you will find this interesting:
The judge is approved to judge all breeds listed as breed specialist and he is entitled to award titels and challenge certificates for said breeds. He has neither approval nor authorisation to judge any competition in the Main Ring, with the exception of the Junior Handling.
Mmmmm...... So who come these few clowns are judging the finals in the main ring together? Or perhaps IDC has truly nothing t do with actual national judging standards and requirements....
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Look, a new judge for the finals...... |
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Nice to have catalogs in finals ring |
And the dangers of using the same judges year after year.... Wiblihauser said it is to maintain continuity and correct influence in breeding- the same types which conform to the standards will be the Siegers, to maintain the standard and continuity of correct type.. YEAH SURE! That the theory. In practice? It has become continuity of money and favors, and personal tastes and politics. Just look at IDC 2011 for example...
In fact, this rot extends deeper. Not only to the IDC Sieger Show... but to most shows these same judges preside in... It is like a bad parasitical virus which spreads all over....
In fact, this rot extends deeper. Not only to the IDC Sieger Show... but to most shows these same judges preside in... It is like a bad parasitical virus which spreads all over....
So, why can they not change? Are they not the guardians [ wardens] of our noble breed? Dont they want to improve the quality of our breed? Do they want the show to be merely a display of dogs, with no meaning to the titles? Will they realise that a premier show is made up of the support of all the minor participants too? That ordinary people are a big part of it? Will they ever show us all some respect and most important, to the Dobermann? Will they remember and appreciate the work of Louis Dobermann? Or is it just the biggest display of their inflated egos and politics?
You Be The Judge!
What is this nonsense.
ReplyDeleteDoes not give you something better. Slowly, it becomes boring. There is always the same misery tour. All are guilty and are doing everything wrong, not just the bloggers. Miserable people. There are plenty of options, have eggs in your pants and makes it better. There are plenty of opportunities to speak directly with the accused, have eggs in your pants and say to the accused.
But here in Blogg have a big mouth and nothing to improve themselves. Miserably.
This is but just that have not been achieved in the last IDC, the desired goals of some people. Pure jealousy.
And then only half-knowledge is sold as insider knowledge. Shit!
Now the issue is the last hope? This Blogg's already out!
Jealousy of WHAT? As for speaking directly to the "accused" - what a joke! ("Accused?" Guilty as named is more like it.) Which rain cloud did YOU come down on? Where have YOU been the last 20 years that you haven't noticed that anyone that criticizes The Great Leader in public is ostracized from the breed at every turn. Why do you think this blog exists? If everything was democratic like you say, there wouldn't be any need for such a blog! The fact is the IDC is Wibishauser's a private club - his personal milk cow. IDC events are not sanctioned by FCI. IDC titles are not recognized by FCI or anywhere else outside the club itself. Fact: there is no independent overview or transparent accountability for the monies it collects from members. IDC has no Constitution. IDC members are not kept properly informed of things done in their name. IDC is an undemocratic and unconstitutional club which has people judging in IPO AND in the conformation show that are NOT properly trained and licensed FCI judges! They are simply "friends" (i.e.: uncritical supporters - like you) of Wiblishauser! So because they are his Yes Men and support him personally without question, they are allowed to judge YOUR dogs as payment for turning a blind eye to his under the table financial activities involving keeping him in a lifestyle he thinks he deserves. Even when they don't know a shit Wiblishauser will give them a judging license! These untrained nobodies are first elevated above their station and capabilities, and then it goes to their head and they arrogantly strut around telling others how to do what they don't know and can't do themselves (without cheating, that is.) And this is OK with you, is it? Are you saying that because you LIKE having your work evaluated by nobodies with no real credentials apart from a bunch of lies they made up about themselves and some meaningless bureaucratic titles, that everyone else should also be happy to roll over for crooks and opportunists?
DeleteI understand you are happy to have your belly scratched but you seem to think that everyone else should also be satisfied with turning a blind eye to the escalating corruption and the lowering of decent standards. I DON'T THINK SO.
The Arab Spring came about because the leadership disenfranchised the mainstream population, persecuted critics and dissenters and stole the people's national wealth - hmmm.... sounds familiar?
"Fact: there is no independent overview or transparent accountability for the monies it collects from members."
DeleteDon't they have the books audited?
...and now? I like your blog and your articles ,but they are starting to get less interesting and you start repeating yourself . What´s next ?
ReplyDeleteI'd say what's next is get off bums and do something about it. We aren't just spectators to these problems - the problems are our problems and they exist because of us allowing it to go on without a word of protest.
DeleteVery easy, Boykott of the IDC!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the answer for Bullshiter´s against the blog!!!!!!
On the same weekend are more interesting show´s arround the world.
Make your decision now and and inscrive anywhere but not in IDC, this is the best way of training the Dinosauriers.
No inscription, no money , no fun for the honoured judges!!!
YESSSS -boykott is the best mean - you are absolutely right!!!
DeleteHow hard can it be for an educated group to get together to make a new International Dobermann Club? Form a democratic club with a new name a proper Constitution and an elected Board with new and properly licensed judges to judge each year. Now THAT would be interesting!!
DeleteI would say amen to that and Hallelujah!
Excellent idea! I agree with you and would join this club immediately!!!
DeleteIs this site still active ?
Deleteit happens when you are anonymous .. die, anonymous. maybe one day you will be brave in the next 100 years. ha ha ha ha ha ha. until then, Prepare to be mocked and insulted. because you like little whores. Have a nice day, bitches
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to be a brave when you aren't talking from a position of disadvantage and danger. When you invest nothing you have nothing to lose and nothing worth protecting. Besides, being "mocked" and "insulted" isn't very scary I'm afraid.
DeleteSo don't hold back. Knock yourself out. Slam us with your whole repertoire (from A to B.)
Ha ha ha (etc. etc.) to you too. :-0
Oh my god!
ReplyDeleteIs true?? Is incredible, I have no words!
Its true - same OLD idiots judging the IDC even now with catalogues
ReplyDeleteIt is against all Kennel Club rules to do this yet these Nazi cheeses have been judging with their catalogues in their hands for decades, and no one has noticed this till now?
DeleteNext IDC bring along rotten tomatoes and the first to pull out a catalogue in the ring should get a spray. It is the only language they really understand.
Go working with your dogs.
ReplyDeleteOr - even better - go working and earn your money with honest work and not by breeding dogs as a product with a low expiration date.
ha ha ha you head out again ha ha ha rat anonymous
ReplyDeleteOuch! What tough talk and sooooo informative! Next time you could add an extra ha {i.e.: ha ha ha ha} for a better effect and then follow up with something really, really strong like dirty anonymous rat. Or maybe anonymous dirty rat would sound better? Let me think about this and get back to you.
Deletehow are anonymous prostitutes in this morning. I decided to come to the IDC to see how you fucked your bosses with dead dick. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I can not stop laughing.
ReplyDeleteYou should know better - you married one.
DeleteWhy is this Florin allowed in here? He's an internationally recognized moron that is banned from every single website and forum on the net. His morals are low and no one have any respect for him, so just ban his ass off this website he's not worth the time.
ReplyDeleteThumbs up!!
DeleteMany people enjoy reading this blog but not the foul mouthed comments of Florin, his posts should be deleted.
DeleteI have been saying that from day one and the administrator has done nothing about florin and his foul potty mouth.
DeleteNO ONE CARES WHAT YOU have to say Florin so GO AWAY !!!
ReplyDeleteHans audits the books for DV/IDC and gives the money men a
brief account of where a little of the monies goes.
Most goes to support himself and his first class life style.
You asked for this and you got it. Try better next time.
As far as I know, the membership in a NON FCI club is prohibited by the FCI. people who are members in a NON FCI dog club usuallly are thrown out from their FCI club, if this comes out. Why doesn't it happen to our big I.D.C. bosses ??? probably because until now, noone reported them to the F.C.I. ???
ReplyDeleteI know that will upset the truth. . I repeat to you anonymous, are you afraid of your shadow. and believe that everything you write is an invention. so we are afraid to sign.
ReplyDeleteMr Florin you and your friend "di Casa Giardino" you are the top stupid in the world!
DeleteI like it. I'm the enemy No 1. yes I am a man who does not like liars. and many of you are living a lie. . some bullshit anonymous. I pee on you
ReplyDeleteFLORIN , YOU ARE NOT AN IDC,FCI OR ANY CLUB MEMBER. So for you it's easy to do or not do do, for say or not to say. But in Europe, I hate to tell , this idiotic thing that if you are saying something against leadership you are thrown out and you cannot go to shows is a great problem.
ReplyDeleteThis FCI rule that if you are a member a non FCI club you will be thrown out from your FCI kennel club is another Mafia style rule , non democratic ,against the European and World democratic principles.
But why is this rule , to maintain the only way : to spend YOUR MONEY for their benefit, the benefit of FCI leaders , judges which are judging on FCI shows, most of them living only from money achieved from judging in FCI shows ( like a dog show judge is a profession :)), without paying any taxes for the money they get for judging in shows, for the expensive trips to exotic places to judge having all expenses covered plus in most cases extra money for judging (300-500-700 Euros for one day judging) trips which in normal way these judges cannot afford from their own pockets. An want to know : how many persons can have 300-500-700 Euros for one day work having all their expenses paid for their 3-5 days period.
So please let me with IDC is not IDC member, so what ?! Kennel clubs mostly are populated and leaded by judges ( most of these judges knowledge beeing questionable : how can anybody be all rounder ?!! How these judges can know all breeds standards ? Is a joke and theatre for money. For your money arriving in their pocket for their benefit. Try to ask them about money, about democratic elections and many other logical things and you will be banned from FCI or IDC shows, your dogs will not get pedigrees and so on. Please take from many countries the list of FCI judges and see what they are doing for living. And also ask some of them how much is a BOB in FCI world show ? And how is that in last times known paid handlers are usually wining against breeders _ Which are the money conections between so called profi handlers and judges _?!!!
Profi handlers , like handlering a dog in a 5 x 5 ring is a profession....
in 2012, when Muslims and woke up and made revolute, being in front of bullets and were not afraid. look at, the Syrian people are slaughtered and the courage to say no to dictatorship. and you .........................
ReplyDeleteBig difference ! We are talking about a hobby compared with life under a dictatorial system. We can live without our hobby , but how Syrians live their normal life ? Do not compare these two things, they are no time comparable.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you not coming in Europe and kick them in the ass ? It is great to be Hero only by words !
maybe we should put money together and buy florin a ticket to the next idc show. he will clear things with the IDC bosses and throw some rotten eggs and tomatoes. let him be our hero...
ReplyDelete:) BRAVO!!!
ReplyDeleteheroes are only those who die for their cause. I love freedom and I always fought for a better life to people. really can not sit and do nothing when a, man is our righteousness, is in my nature to fight for justice. I have a Doberman temperament. of that, I appreciate these dogs. I'm sure you are like me ..
ReplyDeleteadministration in this blog is democratic and I appreciate it. not as your forums (dictators) suck, where if you are affected interests, delete truth (to be ashamed asshole). finished with your bare words. I know many of you do not like the truth. and you are upset when someone tells you.
ReplyDeleteKansadobe.com is a Breeder of Quality Dobermans; Dobermann Breeder, specializing in ... Doug, Jacque & Sean Matson - Wichita, Kansas USA. Breeders-Owner-Handlers of ...
ReplyDeletewww.kansadobe.com - Cached
attention to the leadership of IDC. this is one who wants to changing, and willattack the hidden
Doug Matson is the American Dick Head
ReplyDeleteThat shows up at the IDC Shows trying to impress
people with his judging knowledge. He has one SchH-I bitch that he sent out for training. Took her three times to pass her one. Good quality junk. Did the duel sire breeding and fell on his face.