Do you respect a man who is a narcissistic power maniac and destroys lives?
Do you respect a man who uses and spends the funds he is meant to protect, for his own lavish lifestyle?
Do you respect a man who will do anything, drive out anyone, and kill the breed, just to remain in power?
Do you respect a man who is so arrogant to believe he is perfect? Yet is a disgrace to decent society..
Do you respect a man who rules by fear and divides everyone, and uses people for his self?
Do you respect a man who surrounds himself with evil and mediocre puppets, so he looks good?
We think not. Neither do we. In fact, we only have revulsion, disgust and shame for such a man...
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Perhaps you know him? . He is now 75 years old, has white hair, smells bad, is going senile [ He needs people like Roland to remind him which dog he is seeing in the ring], extremely arrogant and also impotent [ yes we know of that ]. Yes, we are referring to of course, our old friend..Der Fuhrer Hans Wiblishauser.
We feel the time is right now, to speak of this man. He will be judging the World Winner show in Austria on 18 May, and probably make a farce of the show results as usual and give the title to his buddy.
Mr Wiblishauser has been trying very hard to hide some facts of his past from everyone.. even the new VDH members of the board. Indeed, now that his old best friend Fischer is gone and there is new VDH president, Hans thinks he is safe from his past. He thinks nobody knows of what he has been involved in before..
And please also ignore whatever you have read in books which described the past as Wibli wanted - those by kennel boy Hans Zwan especially [ another big fake, we will speak more of in future]
He has tried very well to drive out anybody who knows the truth about him, and also those who appose him [ such as Kurt Richter and Otmar Vogel ] and replace every one of the DV Landes group leaders and board with his own people or those who cannot bring his past up. This man has driven out anyone who would have been a positive contributor to the breed, through malicious false charges, court charges [ at DV expenses] and isolation and harassment by his own crew of puppets like Becht and Redtenbacher.
Everyone is expendable to him, just as long he can remains in his positions of privilege. If anyone does not agree with the President's Rules, they are dismissed from the DV or IDC. He has populated these organization with mediocre people who have achieved nothing in life or with any expertise, their only talent being to obey der Fuhrer. Just look at the unknown and untalented tools like Daube or Becht. See the pattern and methods of Hans?
Just ask any old timer or previous breed experts and top breeders who have been 'expelled', 'banned', brought to court or just simply driven out of the DV, IDC and even member country dobermann clubs. Ask and they will tell you the same sad truth. Wiblishauser only concern is himself, never the breed. He is quick to use false charges, court proceeding and when the case against a member gets thrown out of court, he just adds another false charge and starts over again. The fees for all this of course, comes from the treasury of the DV. Stalin himself would have been proud of how Wibli purges his private club.
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He would be so proud of Hansi |
For example, Hans drove Leo Schellman (v. Frankenland kennel) into the his grave (after years of court cases and persecution of his kennel and dogs by DV. Leo had an immune system breakdown and died from it). He was also responsible for a number of excellent breeders and judges to simply step down, breed elsewhere or stop activities in Dobermann altogether, such as Wilfred Ehrlich, Jens Kollenberg, Norbert Schmitz [ Weyermuhle] and many more. Wibli was also was the one that instigated the conspiracy to rid DV of the DV specialist Judges Ernst Frankenburger and Margret Bastable. We have suffered major and replaceable losses to the breed since Wiblishauser was in charge...
This is why you would not have know of certain facts, which we are going to expose now. The time has come to stop this charade of pretense and come to the terms of the truth. In our Manifesto, We had given Wiblishauser a chance to come out and say something or resign.. But he still thinks he is an Angel and cannot be touched, and protected by idiots like Becht. Indeed, none of the DV, IDC has come out to refute any of our charges, facts and truth.
So, here we are going to give interesting FACTS of the IDC, DV President. This is the real truth, which has been kept hidden for so long. We have very accurate eyewitness statement and information, and also we have done some legal investigations ourselves. A lot more is just obvious if you open you eyes more carefully and start to think and question.
Perhaps first we start with some little background information on this IDC nutcase, sorry we mean Mister President.
He started out in shows with an interest in handling dogs for his friends and others who would pay him. Then he got his first dobermann, and saw an opportunity to be part of something bigger than his own mediocre self. You must understand that amongst most of the different breed presidents today, Hans is the most mediocre of all, with very little achievements to his name. He was never good at school, not in athletics or even professional life, running a small news agent shop in Munich, the same town he grew up in. The dog world represented some opportunity for him to move above his social and economic position.
He started out in shows with an interest in handling dogs for his friends and others who would pay him. Then he got his first dobermann, and saw an opportunity to be part of something bigger than his own mediocre self. You must understand that amongst most of the different breed presidents today, Hans is the most mediocre of all, with very little achievements to his name. He was never good at school, not in athletics or even professional life, running a small news agent shop in Munich, the same town he grew up in. The dog world represented some opportunity for him to move above his social and economic position.
Hans was involved with some scandal in the show ring, - At a show in Austria, he was caught out cheating, and the matter was connected to an incident which was later handled by the court. This is when he focused on gaining entry into the DV and manipulating his way upwards. Along the way, he registered his kennel - Von Bavaria in November 1966.
His first litter (A) was whelped 18.06.67 out of his bitch Mascha v. Furstenfeld SchH 3. He did not train/trial her himself, but was occasionally present at the training ground. He was basically interested in dog shows and was an above average handler. He bred 3 more litters with Mascha in the years that foIlowed. The B-litter whelped 1968t the C-litter whelped 09.09.69, the D-litter whelped 26.08.70.
In the first titter he bred a bitch exported to Switzerland (Afra v. Bavaria SchH 3) as a puppy. In the second litter, one male is recorded as exported to UK. No achieved titles are recorded for any of them.In the following three years ('17, 'J2, '73), he did not breed any litters and there are no records showing that he trialed any dogs in this period either. In 1972, he imported a bitch (Anascha v. Alpthal) from Switzerland. This bitch never gained any titles and he later bred at least 3 litters with her: The E-litter whelped 27.04.'74, the F-litter whelped 25.04.15 and the I-litter whelped 05.04.77.
He also imported a bitch (was given as a "present") from Sweden in 1973, named Faralyn-Fabuleuse with reg.no. l-1,/"75. The bitch was never trained or titled, but he bred his G-litter whelped 12-06.75 from her with a SchH l-sire. His H-fitter whelped in 1976. ln 1977, another litter was whelped, known as the J-litter out of Dewi v. Franckenhorst. Dewi was a bitch imported to Germany from Holland by Ernst Wilking and titled by him. At Mr. Wilkings death, Wiblishauser got his hands on Dewi under rather unusual circumstances. Some say he forced Wilking's poor widow to give the dog to him free. Finally, there are no records in any of the stud books of any dogs he bred achieving titles except for Afra SchH 3, Albo SchH 1 and Enzo SchH 2, but none of these dogs are recorded as trained or trialed by Wiblishauser.
The point here is to just explain the errors on his own website [ http://www.von-bavaria.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=19] where he claims to have bred many champions and titles, worldwide. FALSE! He also claims to have trialed his dog to their titles. FALSE!
The only dog that ever won anything that he bred was a below average bitch he made Siegerin himself! The joke is he had to judge his own dog for one ever to win anything. Similar story with Golda Franckenhorst – although he did not breed Golda he owned her but admitted he kept her in Sonja Franquemont’s name. This clearly was so he could judge (and co-judge) her at all the major shows. Like, when Hermann Menke (Dutch judge) wanted to put up Elaine v. Allgau as black Siegerin at the IDC Sieger show in Munich, Hans nearly broke his neck crossing the field to intervene and instructed Menke not to give her the title, but to Golda. Mr Kollenberg was also 'forced' to pass her ZTP with Hans in the field.
And this goes on for all the litters he has bred.. nothing significant, not has he ever trained any dog himself until today. But for his 75th Birthday, IDC [ himself] gives Kyrana Bavaria [ owned by close German friends in the DV] the Jugendsiegerin title... wow! how nice. And how lame this is only way he can attempt to leave a legacy for his own kennel. Mr President, how come you cant walk the talk?
But at least, he was not as obvious and crazy as Behct to give most of his own dogs the wins in front of everyone... Shows how stupid Becht is compared to his master...Good choice Mr President for your successor and God son!
But in terms of conformation, he has never bred anything worthy to win.. and those that did win were judged by him or his cronies, and under other names...can you think of Olympia?
The point here is to just explain the errors on his own website [ http://www.von-bavaria.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=19] where he claims to have bred many champions and titles, worldwide. FALSE! He also claims to have trialed his dog to their titles. FALSE!
The only dog that ever won anything that he bred was a below average bitch he made Siegerin himself! The joke is he had to judge his own dog for one ever to win anything. Similar story with Golda Franckenhorst – although he did not breed Golda he owned her but admitted he kept her in Sonja Franquemont’s name. This clearly was so he could judge (and co-judge) her at all the major shows. Like, when Hermann Menke (Dutch judge) wanted to put up Elaine v. Allgau as black Siegerin at the IDC Sieger show in Munich, Hans nearly broke his neck crossing the field to intervene and instructed Menke not to give her the title, but to Golda. Mr Kollenberg was also 'forced' to pass her ZTP with Hans in the field.
And this goes on for all the litters he has bred.. nothing significant, not has he ever trained any dog himself until today. But for his 75th Birthday, IDC [ himself] gives Kyrana Bavaria [ owned by close German friends in the DV] the Jugendsiegerin title... wow! how nice. And how lame this is only way he can attempt to leave a legacy for his own kennel. Mr President, how come you cant walk the talk?
But at least, he was not as obvious and crazy as Behct to give most of his own dogs the wins in front of everyone... Shows how stupid Becht is compared to his master...Good choice Mr President for your successor and God son!
But in terms of conformation, he has never bred anything worthy to win.. and those that did win were judged by him or his cronies, and under other names...can you think of Olympia?
To the best. of anyone's knowledge, The DV and IDC President Mr. Hans Wiblishauser, has never trained or trialed any dog to either BH, SchH or IPO. Nor has he ever prepared or handled any dog to ZTP or Koerung. There is no record of this either. All there is is his claims ot have trialed a dog in Shutzhund 3. The trurth? Wiblishauser did WALK one PRE-TRAINED and PRE-TITLED dog through a SchH3 program purely in order to qualify to apply to become a DV Judge. This was the maximum exposure he has to the working aspects of our breed. No wonder 2011 Sieger can be a non working dog too...
The only information that claims he has trained and trialed dogs gimself is from a judging CV which was published by the Dobermann Club of Northern Transvaal.. Written by Redtenbacher.. Need we say more? An amazing work of pure bullshit and lies - fake wiblishauser cv
And according to former members of the DV judges panel, and according to other DV judges with longer experiences, the same President never attended any judging seminars or other normal training for judges for either conformation or ZTP. Nor did he ever, in contrast to his colleagues, sit for any exams.
The only information that claims he has trained and trialed dogs gimself is from a judging CV which was published by the Dobermann Club of Northern Transvaal.. Written by Redtenbacher.. Need we say more? An amazing work of pure bullshit and lies - fake wiblishauser cv
And according to former members of the DV judges panel, and according to other DV judges with longer experiences, the same President never attended any judging seminars or other normal training for judges for either conformation or ZTP. Nor did he ever, in contrast to his colleagues, sit for any exams.
On judging and keeping power- he learned the ways from his close friends and the best example and masters of corruption - the Martin Brothers of the SV. Remember them? Anybody today in the German Sherperd world will tell you it was them who destoyed that breed too. Hermann Martin took control of the club by declaring himself as the only judge for the males at the Siegerschau each year. Sounds familar? And the Martins also got very rich by fixing the Sieger titles, IPO scores, and much more. Sounds familar again? No wonder these breeds are no longer the top working dog breeds anymore.
How often also did he judge in non FCI shows and clubs.. which he himself does not allow DV judges to go.. but he can go, provided it has first class ticket and a little nice holiday included too, and of course, the sex that comes along too. Ask the South Americans of this.. And in the Philippines, his bar bill from his drinking and in the hotel was the biggest ever on record for any visiting judge, until today. Ask anyone from there about this. There is also good reason why the Indonesians and many other clubs refuse to invite him ever again.
Nobody in DV and certainly IDC has ever seen details of his travel expenses for judging or attending shows. Not a bad life for a newspaper seller...
Would his buddy Roland like to make comment on this?
Would his buddy Roland like to make comment on this?
It is well know that Wibli doesn't breed, train or have anything to do with having a dog in his house. He hasnt for over 30 years. His experimenting with Dobermanns was a very short career before he took up his real career - that of a professional politician (he is paid wages by VDH). And this is the person whose "experience" is supposed to be in touch with the breed and its current needs?
This is a man who has little qualification in the bred, has bred nothing of significance, has never worked or trialed a dog himself and is a poor judge by himself.
Yet he makes himself the head judge, gives instructions [orders] to other judges which dogs to place and award titles to, and appears to control the monopoly on all shows. And he pretends to know what is a working dog and its training and characteristics. The ZTP is a joke, and the IDC Meisterschaft is also becoming one. Have you seen how few dogs are there compared to even the regional Malinois and GSD trial competitions? And the falling standards of the protection phase, and dogs which generally just cannot bite or have courage and good nerves anymore...
This is a man who has little qualification in the bred, has bred nothing of significance, has never worked or trialed a dog himself and is a poor judge by himself.
Yet he makes himself the head judge, gives instructions [orders] to other judges which dogs to place and award titles to, and appears to control the monopoly on all shows. And he pretends to know what is a working dog and its training and characteristics. The ZTP is a joke, and the IDC Meisterschaft is also becoming one. Have you seen how few dogs are there compared to even the regional Malinois and GSD trial competitions? And the falling standards of the protection phase, and dogs which generally just cannot bite or have courage and good nerves anymore...
Just take a look at the 'book' he is supposed to have written on the Dobermann. It is such a simple and shallow piece of work, put together with nothing original. An utterly amateur attempt... by the DV, IDC President. What a disgrace for us all....
Wiblishauser is responsible for the decline of the German Dobermann as a working dog.
This is the result of his personal sympathy for controlled selective breeding.
More to come in Part 2 of the Life and Lies of Wibli...... "a Criminal Past..."
This is the result of his personal sympathy for controlled selective breeding.
More to come in Part 2 of the Life and Lies of Wibli...... "a Criminal Past..."
das ist alles nichts neues!
ReplyDeletejeder weiß das.
die frage ist: was seit ihr bereit zu tun???
der dobermann kann nur gerettet werden, wenn ihr euch ganz bewußt von diesem verein abwendet. ein neu anfang für sportler und züchter, die es besser machen wollen. in fester struktur und unumstößlichen regeln. einzig und allein zum wohle der rasse.
mein name ist dieter hohl und ich will das ändern! bitte lesen sie: dobermann-verein-ev.de und dobermannforum.com
What a truly unremarkable man in the breed! But a very good politician and manipulator of people! We know he does nothing and cares nothing for the breed. He has done absolutely nothing too, except to bring it down and allow the ban of ear cropping and tail docking. He is the worst thing to the breed.
ReplyDeletewhy don't you start a bet on who is going to win at the world show?
ReplyDeleteplease let us know more about Mr Pezzano...........dobermann insider, tell us all about his politic....and his power in the dobermann world....
ReplyDeleteAle Alamos del Citone will win the 2012 world title
ReplyDeleteihr alle seid verantwortlich!! ich möchte sagen, dass ich diesen blog hier wirklich gut finde. allerdings läuft es wie in jedem forum das ich kenne.
ReplyDeletejammern, jammern, jammern.
sei es der immer ofensichtlichere betrug bei prüfungen oder das totschweigen der gesundheitlichen probleme. die erbärmliche zucht, die riesen und schwächlinge hervor bringt.
jeder von euch ist verantwortlich, durch eure untätigkeit.
wird dort geld veruntreut, dann erstattet anzeige bei der staatsanwaltschaft. ihr seid es leid bei prüfungen und ausstellungen betrogen zu werden, dann wendet euch ab von dieser korrupten bande. scheiss auf deren papiere für zucht abfall, scheiss auf deren anerkennung bei prüfungen. züchtet gesunde und leistungsfähige hunde und die hundekäufer werden euch die welpen aus den händen reissen, auch ohne papiere.
outed euch als verantwortungsvolle züchter und erklärt es öffentlich, warum ihr dem dv den rücken kehrt.
nur dann wird der dobermann möglicherweise wieder das was er mal einmal war. der ideale mix zwischen kraft und eleganz.
mein name ist dieter hohl
Are you sure that Alemos is coming for the show!!! I ask because someone just told me that he is not coming.
ReplyDeleteWell, it makes sense since World Champion is equally important to Dr. Pezzano as IDC Sieger is. Trace back the show history of his known males and you shall see the justification to my prognosis.
ReplyDeleteHowever, should Alamos skip the show for any reason, Orson would be next in line up as his carrière is carefully built for the last year or so, all through German shows, "working" results and related tests and IDC. Also, it is interesting that Orson does not go to any non-German shows, aside from IDC of course. Sicherheit ist sein zweiter Name
ReplyDeletesuper breeding Nasi, eureka is the best female