Saturday, September 14, 2013

IDC [ International Deutsche Club ] Show 2013, Romania

We wish to thank our Romanian brothers who did an excellent work for the show, the organization, venue, and it was probably one of the best shows in recent years.

We also wish to say we are sorry for our Romanian brothers on how the show was manipulated and shamed and let down by certain judges, people and announcements... 
As usual....

Let us get to the biggest obvious point in this year's IDC Romania - The German 'Anchluss' or Attempts of Dobermann World Domination..

First, we all knew when Orson was in the catalog, he is already going to be the Sieger. Only an idiot or totally naive person would have thought otherwise. The competition for the males was already over. In fact, even for most other classes, if there was something from Germany, or born from Mafia bred dogs, and especially with the ears and tails.

We saw how many times, uncropped and undocked dogs were forced into the finals, often over the other better specimens and top winning dogs. Consider also the DV Loyalty Liste... and the 'family gifts' given at this show..

Not only did the IDC make a joke of this show, they insult the intelligence of everyone attending.. again.. as usual. And this is despite having the show in a new location, with modern organization and so much promise and hope by almost everyone.. that once, just once... this would be a proper show which would reflect what the IDC motto is  - " Understanding, Goodwill and Friendship".... yes, only if you wish to be DOMINATED and march the goosestep together back to Germany.

Its ALL mein! Hands off!

So, think it over, the 'democracy' of the IDC is once again a big joke. The IDC is basically there to announce and follow the decisions and judging of the DV Germany and what has been decided. Have a look at the IDC website, see the irony of this? -

The IDC Secretary herewith confirms that the requirements for the award of the 2013 IDC Sieger Titles will be no different from that of 2012.